Steven K Whitesides PhD.
Plant Pathologist Consultant, Board Member
Steven K Whitesides PhD.
Plant Pathologist Consultant, Board Member
Steven K Whitesides was raised in a family farming business, crops and cows. Formal education shifts with each degree – Animal Science A.S. Agronomy B.S. Plant Pathology Ph.D. He has 25 years of experience in development of Bio-Pesticides for use in a variety of agricultural crops, post-harvest storage, food sanitation. This experience gained through a progression of management positions within large corporations to participation as founder and executive leadership for multiple start-up operations.
Overall, he gained expertise in product development through commercial launch of novel products. He has served as Study Director on many projects in the USA and at many International locations for successful accumulation of data in support of product efficacy validation and residue analysis for regulatory submissions. Other objectives or research studies include support of market valuation and competitive product positioning.
In the area of laboratory and sanitation research, he has successfully established and operated laboratory facilities for sample processing and for fermentation of microbial products. He has assembled technical teams, provided training, mentored interns, and worked shoulder-to-shoulder with personnel when needed. Due to the technical nature of such facilities, Dr. Whiteside’s considerable experience in development of Standard Operating Procedures and Quality Assurance compliance protocols that have been validated many times by independent audits.
His considerable experience in regulatory policies of agencies such as EPA and FDA in the US, and similar International agencies comes from closely with state agencies in order to remain in compliance with building and utility codes as well as registrations with agricultural, wildlife, and water conservation agencies.
Dr. Whiteside’s ability to deliver scientific information to audiences with various levels of comprehension about biological and scientific technologies is vitally important when presenting new technology to audiences such as grower and commodity groups. He has given presentations at scientific symposia in the USA and at International meetings along with talks given at industry, government, and grower meetings.